Thursday, July 15, 2010

Finntroll Out With Nifelvind

Well for older folk metal fans (and many new ones as well) you may have heard of the band Finntroll. Their new album was released February 17, 2010 on Century Media records. The title translated means "Wind of Hell" or "Underworld", or something (thanks a lot wikipedia). Anywho, compared to many of their other albums, this one seems to have a bit more darkness, and depth. True, Jaktens Tid, was a masterpiece in itself, with the most wonderful, quick rhythms that we love to hear from folk metal bands ;) . This album seemed to have more... well more of a folk feeling than previous albums. Like the song Galgasang, seemed much like a song you would hear chanted and sung by an ancient group. Many of the other songs do have the "Aaahhhh!" that I've learned to love, but Solsagan, the most recognizable song (that's arguable, I know) has one at a very interesting point, where it makes it stand out. The instrumental, (the name of which has slipped my mind, and I am lazy as fuck) was incredible It really made me want to get up and dance, or something. I wanted to just shout "Yeaahh!!" the whole time. My favorite track, however was Under Bergets Rot. The clunky, upbeat, silly, yet spectacular rhythms in the song were delightful to hear, and it is definitely none other than a Finntroll song. There were videos released for Solsagan, and Under Bergets Rot, both being very different, and very interesting. Solsagan, I'm not sure what to say about it, other than: very impressive video, great difference in the feel, it is dark, eerie, and scary almost for a while until the chant parts, which it seems maybe even more eerie, considering they are seeming to drag this girl into the ground with hands, and bodies. Not quite as odd as the video for Under Bergets Rot though... where you see a man walk into a strange bar where Finntroll is playing (it is all animated, or cutout, I'm not sure) and this man is watching some strange events take place, whilst drinking everything that these creatures are giving him. Eventually he is given a "Troll surgery" and becomes a troll, and the ladies in the bar who rejected him before. (Rejected as in he tried to grab an octopus lady's ass, and got slapped.)
I loved the album overall. There are differing effects that songs give you, the vocals are all there, the rhythms all have the Finntroll sound, some of the songs have the speed of some previous albums, but it mostly seemed to be a deeper, more penetrating sound, focusing more on the feeling of the song as a while than certain rhythms and vocals. I have only recently become a Troll, so I apologize if the review was rather... vague. And short. Heh. But for any folk or black metal fans, I would recommend giving this album a try, or Finntroll a try! Happy metalling all!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Michael Jackson? Try Les Paul

So people are STILL freaking out about Michael Jackson's death, mourning, crying, overreacting... well I have some news for you people who are all wrapped up in that.
Les Paul, practically the inventor of the electric guitar is dead too. Who is that you ask? Someone far more significant than Michael Jackson, thats for sure. Now, he didn't have as much fame as Michael Jackson did, not nearly. But the innovations he made in the music world surpass Jackson's music entirely. Many of you fans of Jackson will complain about me going off about his death (which honestly, WAS very sad, but it wasn't something to freak out about) but keep this in mind. You listen to Michael's music, and thats definitely not the only style you listen to. Here's why you should care more about Les Paul's death: HE MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR ALMOST EVERY ONE OF THE BANDS YOU LISTEN TO TO BECOME WHAT THEY ARE! How do you thank him? Giving him ONE ten second news spot, a few magazine articles, and probably a bunch of internet postings, which is less than it seems. When did this happen? Around two months after the death of Jackson (June, 2009, I believe.) Anyway, Paul died and I didn't even hear about it until about a month after it happened. Honestly, for such an innovative, dedicated man, who's accomplished so much more than Jackson, but just wasn't as well known, that still is a huge shame. For all of you who get butthurt about me saying things about Jackson? Shame on you. Pay attention to the real story. I don't care if Jackson's death came as a "Surprise". To be honest, most people really don't care about him dying. They only see it as another dramatic event that sparks controversy, but this time, with someone who they actually know about. Anyway, enough about that, i'd like to get back to Les Paul an his accomplishments.
Les Paul created a bunch of unique effects for the guitar, with his seemingly endless experimentation. He created and personalized many different effects such as: Phasing, overdubbing, tape delay, and many many more. He's also known for the interesting noises he could make on the guitar, and was responsible for many of the noises that people have found to use on the guitar. He also is quoted to have "Made the rock-and-roll sound possible."
Now, I know this doesn't have to do much with metal, but it does piss me off that an actual musician who made many many many many many many things possible in the music world got almost no attention, and a baby dangling, little boy touching, "musician" who really didn't use many (if any) instruments in his songs had the world crying when he died. No, its a huge heartbreak when Michael Jackson dies, but when the guy who made a lot of the stuff he did possible dies? Nobody gives a damn. I haven't gotten close to listing the amazing things Les Paul has done for the music industry, but the music industry only seems to care about people who just record the stuff now. Not giving a shit who's behind any of it. I have strayed pretty off topic here (get used to it folks) so I'm going to wrap this up. (once again, I apologize for the late news, this is ond stuff, I know, But I'll get on it. )
Les Paul: Even if we don't know who you are (LOOK HIM UP, UNGRATEFUL... not continuing hahaha) we love you, we respect you, you will be missed, the music industry owes you MUCH more than it realizes. R.I.P. Les Paul. (June 9, 1915 - August 12, 2009)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Petri Lindroos Kicked Out of Norther!

Well this is somewhat old news. (Not the fact that he was kicked out, which he WAS kicked out) But Petri Lindroos, one of the founders of the band Norther was KICKED. Yes. He is gone and not coming back. Now, I'm not one of the only ones pissed off at this, but then again, nobody really knows what Norther's reasons were for this. The general idea is he pulled a Jari. Started working too much with Ensiferum, and getting wrapped up in that more than his original band. That would be a shame, though I wouldn't blame him. Now, in multiple interviews Petri has stated that he was kicked out, and didn't leave, though on Norther's website it did announce the "departure" of Petri Lindroos.
Now that I'm done ranting about stuff you already know, or aren't too shocked about, my opinion.
I want to say screw you so bad!
But I love you.
Ok, so being all cool and nerdy, looking up lyrics to their songs, I've seen how amazing Petri's writing is. And its a HUGE shame to kick him out of the band. He's always had the deepest lyrics, most sensitive, most intense, most incredible out of each of the members of the band. Reading "Nothing" made me want to cry so bad, and listening to the song made me go all the way. Petri, you are an amazing vocalist, lyricist, guitarrist and person. Anyone could make the mistake you did, in fact, I wouldn't even call it a mistake. Working in 2 bands is hard when you both are signed to major labels, and are trying to support them both. Now, if this isn't the reason (even though it seems it would be obvious) and I've insulted Norther (god forbid) then I deeply apologize. You guys are all incredible, and if something personal was involved, then It must have been a good reason.

Petri Lindroos:
Amazing vocals, in and out of Norther
Sexy as hell (and I'm comfortable saying that, man.)
Great guitar rhythms
Great way of interacting with the crowd
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